


High-performance MALDI-TOF Imaging Mass Spectrometry of Proteins and Peptides with Single-Cell Resolution and Sensitivity

High-performance MALDI-TOF Imaging Mass Spectrometry of Proteins and Peptides with Single-Cell Resolution and Sensitivity Introduction A new high-performance linear MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer is employed to image the spatial distribution of proteins [...]

Clinical Research

Clinical Research Mass Spectrometric Immunoassay (MSIA) SimulTOF Systems is engaged in biomarker discovery and clinical research assay development though a collaboration with the Laboratory of Dr. Randall Nelson (The Biodesign Institute, Arizona State [...]

Biomarker ID and Analysis

SimulTOF Systems has developed special PMF software that takes advantage of the well-known preferential detection of arginine-containing peptides that makes PMF practical even for whole tissue preparations, so long as most proteins are largely intact.

Large Tissue Imaging

SimulTOF Systems technology employing a 5kHz laser and “on-the-fly” peak detection and calibration provides the highest speed and throughput available for tissue imaging.

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